Serve static content from a cookieless domain fail

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Support Forums Support (Legacy) Serve static content from a cookieless domain fail

This topic is: Resolved


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  • #2579

    Sharon Hod

    In order to increase site speed i changed the serve of static content from a cookieless domain.
    This is how:
    1. I created a subdomain pointing to public_html/
    2. I added wp-cofing.php the following lines:
    define(“WP_CONTENT_URL”, “”);
    define(“COOKIE_DOMAIN”, “”);
    define(“WP_PLUGIN_URL”, “”);
    3. I updated existing post content using phpMyAdmin:
    UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content,’’,’’)
    4. Since Atlanta theme use Google fonts & font awesome for icons I added the following lines to .htaccess:

    # ——————————————————————————
    # | CORS-enabled images |
    # ——————————————————————————

    <FilesMatch “\.(cur|gif|ico|jpe?g|png|svgz?|webp)$”>
    SetEnvIf Origin “:” IS_CORS
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin “” env=IS_CORS

    # ——————————————————————————
    # | Web fonts access |
    # ——————————————————————————

    # Allow access from all domains for web fonts

    <FilesMatch “\.(eot|otf|ttc|ttf|woff)$”>
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin “”

    4. After all the modifications above still one problem.
    Look at this url–>
    This is how it’s supposed to look like (in the admin panel it’s shown ok) –>
    This is how it actually looks like when you load the page on browser –>
    The Heebo Google font is not active and the site’s breadcrumbs style is wrong.

    Did I miss something?


    Sharon Hod

    I think I see the problem, just don’t know how to solve it –>



    Hi Sharon,

    Unfortunately, we cannot support custom code changes.

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