Using this widget you can display your posts according to various segments and with all kinds of displaying styles. This widget is especially useful for your Home Page and for widget areas in which you are interested in displaying your recent posts from the website.
Title: In this field you can enter the title that will be shown above the posts
Style: Set the displaying style, usually you have in a list or grid form. Note that the styles change with every theme.
Category: Mark the categories from which you want the posts to be displayed
Thumbnail: You can choose whether or not to show every post’s main image when displayed in the list / grid.
Number Posts: Set the amount of posts you want to be displayed in the widget
Title: Choose whether you want to show or hide every post’s title
Advanced Options>>
Order By: Set the order in which you’d like the posts to be displayed. By date, menu order, title, author, ID, recently edited, comment amount, post ID, random or none.
Order: Choose how whether the order of the galleries will ascend or descend.
Summary: Choose whether to show the post’s summary
Number Words: Set the of amount of words to be displayed in the summary.