Page featured images do not appear

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Support Forums Support (Legacy) Page featured images do not appear

This topic is: Resolved
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  • #2429

    Jonathan Harrison

    The featured image I set for each page does not appear.
    I am using the WordPress editor with Buzz.
    What do I need to set to show them? I want each page to display its own image at the top before the text.



    Hi Jonathan,
    I know you wrote “page” but i want to make sure that you are referring to a page and not post?


    Jonathan Harrison

    Hi Boaz,

    Yes. Here I am referring to each page, which has its own featured image.
    I will also add featured images to posts later.

    This website, in development, is a Hebrew version (with differences) of my international English website at which is already active. You can see it as an example. I intend a similar layout.




    Hi Jonathan,

    Actually as default, the featured image you assign to a page doesn’t appear in the page itself.
    In Posts you can choose an image post type and then the image is include in the post.


    Jonathan Harrison

    Hi Boaz,

    Can I change this default or do I need to insert each page image using Add Media?




    You can change it only through code modifications, which we cannot assist with.
    So, the simple, if not very efficient, solution is to insert it manually.



    You can change it only through code modifications, which we cannot assist with.
    So, the simple, if not very efficient, solution is to insert it manually.

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