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Support Forums Support (Legacy) post navigation

This topic is: Resolved


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  • #2494


    hi guys,

    playing around with your toscana-theme on local enviroment (preparing customer site) and encountering some questions…
    having cpts also i want to achieve the following:

    1. showing post titles in post-navigation instead of ‘prev’ and ‘next’ – any way to solve this (or code snipplet available)?

    2. skipping from post to post only within certain taxononomy – e.g. cpts taxomomy by year, and when viewing a post of ‘2016’ only be able to skip per post-navigation within all post of this particular year and not skipping within all cpts back and forth to a previous or following year…
    thought i could achieve this with “post navigation by taxonomy” within content setting, but it seems thats not the case.

    3. another one: why does translation work only in original theme folder and not in child-theme (although there is a ‘language’-folder in it) ??
    maybe doing something wrong?

    any hints highly appreciated – thanks in advance.



    hello again… no reply?? thats sad.

    could resolve point 2. in the meantime after creating cpt taxonomies new. so that seems to work. (questioning how long…)

    but still having no clue for points 1. and 3.!
    the ‘next’-‘prev’ thing is one thats really annoying because already tried a bunch of tweaks but none works so far! might be a special inner definition by the theme or else, so any helpful hint is still highly appreciated.

    thanks in advance.



    Sorry for the delay.

    1. You should find it in this file: loop/single.php > pojo_get_post_navigation.
    2. If you translated it in the main theme, you don’t need to translate it again in the child theme.
    It should be “pulled” from the main theme.



    hi boaz,

    1. jep – found it there and copied to child, but none of the things i tried there works! was hoping for a solution being provided 🙂

    2. first did it via child – but that did not work. then put it into main, where it works.
    why would it not work in child??



    more detailed to issue 1.:
    got it to work so far, that the post navigation links show the titles of the next or previous post… BUT then the function of navigate only within same taxonomy is lost 🙁

    so i need a function that preserves the ability to stay within actual taxonomy while skipping, and havin the titles show too… 🙂

    possible? many thanks in advance.

    ps: issue 2. still persits – translation refuses to work from within child …



    1. Unfortunately we cannot assist with custom code such as you request.
    2. In principal, translations on child theme doesn’t “run over” the original translation.
    What exactly are you trying to translate?




    1. sad. but thanks anyway.

    2. what am i trying to translate? several things for frontend… e.g. ‘prev’/’next’-post titles, titles for archives etc.
    yes, maybe translation in child wont override one in main theme, but if theres none for the desired in main (de) it wont even work in child – and thats what i am wondering. wouldnt it supposed to work if theres no similar entry in main??? but it seems not to work at all from within child.

    sorry if i am maybe mislead somehow.



    2. In order that the translation files will work in you child theme, you have to add the specific strings inside your child theme first.

    The simplest way is to use a plugin such as this:



    … the target definitely was NOT to use any widget in this case! (dont wanted to load another one for that few strings…)

    so meanwhile was able to figure out a solution to load the files from within child-theme so they wont be killed by a theme update.
    heavy work for ‘simple’ things sometimes 🙂

    thanks anyway. you might set this thread so ‘solved’

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