David Gursoy The support forum is open for members only. To add a topic or reply in the forum, please login or register. Support Forum Moved The Pojo Themes support has been transferred to a faster and more personal ticketing platform, so the forums are no longer active. If you want to learn how to use Pojo themes, check out our extensive documentation guides. Need help with using our themes? Contact us with a detailed explanation of your issue in the support page. Have a pre-sale question or other inquiry? Feel free to contact us about it. Profile Topics Started Replies Created Forum Replies Created Viewing 1 post (of 1 total) Author Posts 02/08/2016 at 15:14 in reply to: The FB share button doesn't work on the new posts #2031 David GursoyParticipant בדקתי יש בעיה בזיהוי פעם היה מזהה ככתבה עכשיו הוא מזהה כאתר http://hotstocks.co.il/?p=9163 as artical http://hotstocks.co.il/?p=8859 as webpage Author Posts Viewing 1 post (of 1 total)