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Forum Replies Created

Viewing 20 posts - 141 through 160 (of 334 total)
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  • in reply to: No Update Available #1295


    Hello Tzafi,

    You are working with a very old version of the theme, so it’s hard to tell what exactly is causing this issue.

    Try to delete your license key, then re-inserting it and save.

    Let us know if this works.

    in reply to: Sidebar configuration #1293


    Hello Yitzchak,

    In the Theme Options > Sidebars you can add customized sidebars / widgets areas.

    These areas are automatically added to the areas list in Appearance > Widgets.

    Then you have the following options:

    1. Set a certain sidebar for a page type (for example, set the sidebar for all post page etc).

    This you can set in the Customizer > Page Layouts.

    2. Set a certaiun sidebar for a specific page.

    This you can set in every page > Sidebars panel.

    in reply to: Some changes for the Scoop theme 2 #1291

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    in reply to: Can't Get Featured Images to Flow to Home Page #1283


    Hello Martha,

    Are you referring to the posts’ featured images?

    Could you send us a link to a page like this (the link you sent displays a coming soon page)?

    Are you working with the latest version of WP and of the theme?

    in reply to: How to change the top part of the site #1275


    Ok try logging in through the following link:

    in reply to: How to change the top part of the site #1273


    Hello Roi1207,

    1. What you mean is that you’re working with a multi-lingual plugin, and you aren’t able to access the Hebrew version?

    Are you referring to both the admin and the site?

    2. This is a ‘post group’ widget that added to the Title Bar area of the page.

    You can do so by going to Appearance > Widgets > set the post group widget in the Title Bar widget area.

    Then in the page you want it to be displayed > go to the Advanced Options > Title Bar > set it as the Widget Area.

    in reply to: Some changes for the Scoop theme 2 #1266


    Hello Daniel,

    1. If I understand correctly, you want a certain section to be visible on phone and tablet, right?

    If so, you should choose the “hidden desktop” option, instead of “visible phone”.

    2. Unfortunately there isn’t a built-in way to do so, but you can easily do it with a little CSS.

    For example, for mobile:

    @media (max-width: 768px) {
    #header {height: 50px;}}

    3. Both of the screenshots you sent us are the same..

    Are you referring to the border line that’s displayed under the title?

    If you want it to be displayed for a widget, you just add thr widget’s title.

    4. We’re checking this issue.

    5. In Theme Options > Sharing you can edit the sharing panel.

    6. Could you send us the page in which these icons are displayed?

    in reply to: mobile menu not shown #1265


    Hello Yitzchak,

    Your menu is displayed, but the icon has a white background color, that’s why you can’t see it.

    Try inserting the following code into the Customizer > Live CSS:

    .navbar-toggle .icon-bar{background-color:#E74C3C;}

    in reply to: Slideshow not responsive #1250

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    1. If the page you sent is a post archive (in other words, an archive page that is automatically displayed without you having to set it), then unfortunately you can’t set its Title Bar.

    2. If it’s a ‘Posts’ page you set (using the ‘Posts’ tab) then the Advanced Options > Title Bar / Breadcrumbs should do the job. If this is what you’re referring to then send us access details to a temporary user so we could check this out.


    Hello Yaniv,

    Did you try setting the Title Bar for all posts in Theme Options > Content > Title Bar?

    in reply to: Form Attachments #1242


    Hello Bart,

    We’ve released a new version of the Forms plugin with this bug-fix.

    in reply to: Sticky header #1241


    We checked this issue and unfortunately there isn’t a way to cancel the effect 🙁

    in reply to: Sticky header #1239


    Hello Gal,

    You can cancel the website’s sticky-header in the Customizer > Header > Sticky Header.

    in reply to: SVG logo #1237


    Hello Gil,

    Yes, you can.

    However sometimes there are problems uploading the image through the WordPress media library, but you can also upload it via FTP.

    in reply to: Form Attachments #1235

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    in reply to: Some changes for the Scoop theme #1233


    I’m sorry but there isn’t a way to do all this for pages 🙁

    You can only set it by actually editing the theme’s codes (with a child theme) but that requires a lot of knowledge in coding..

    We only have those setting for elements that have categories, such as the posts and galleries..

    in reply to: Mobile menu is open on page load #1231


    Hello Giora,

    This is being checked by our tech crew, we’ll send you the answer in the Hebrew Support Forum.

    in reply to: Some changes for the Scoop theme #1230


    1. The posts layout can’t be set for the pages (for example the icons that are displayed on top of the images) because for that you need categories.

    However regarding the grid’s layout what I meant is that you can manually insert image and text widgets that link to the pages..

    in reply to: Form Attachments #1226

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Viewing 20 posts - 141 through 160 (of 334 total)