Builder's Post widget displays differently in different pages. – Atlanta Theme

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Support Forums Support (Legacy) Builder's Post widget displays differently in different pages. – Atlanta Theme

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    I have selected the Post widget to display “Upcoming shows” on my home page (right column) and in the page (left column).
    In Both the parameters selected are the same. Yet, the display is completely different: The home page type size is much larger and I was not able to modify it. Please help.



    Hello Eliargon,

    Is this the same exact sidebar in each of the pages?

    Could it be you’ve added to one of the pages a font-size css code for H3?



    It is the same exact sidebar which has only one widget in it: “posts”, where I specify exactly the same parameters.
    The only difference; The home page has the sidebar inside a column (on the right side). The /events page has the sidebar as part of the selected layout (sidebar left) and it follows a calendar widget. Even when I removed the calendar, it stayed the same.

    On the home page I tried to add “posts” from the Builder widgets directly to the column and I tried to add the sidebar widget (contaning “posts”) to the column. Both produced the same large font result. It is really annoying…..
    And by the way, the is no CSS or H3 option in that “posts” widget.



    1. If you want to decrease the size of the font in the sidebar that is part of the page’s content (on the home page) then you can just set in the the Customizer > Typography > H3.

    2. If you want to increase the size of the font in the sidebar that is outside the page’s content then you can add the following code into the Customizer > Live CSS:

    #sidebar .recent-post .media-heading{font-size:1.5em;}


    This reply has been marked as private.


    What exactly would you like to set in the theme’s typography?



    I would like to use the fonts I uploaded (‘DigitalSerial’ family)
    and I want to be able to specify the classes I define in the body of the pages.



    You can use our Custom Fonts plugin to easily add your font to the typography list:

    Custom Fonts

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