How I access to WordPress Dashboard?

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Support Forums Support (Legacy) How I access to WordPress Dashboard?

This topic is: Resolved


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  • #2129

    Veronica Birman

    After I bought the theme, the instructions say that one option is to manage it from the Dashboard. How I access to this Dashboard?


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    Veronica Birman

    I mean… in the Quick Start Guide…

    Step 2: WordPress Theme Installation

    After downloading the file, you have two options for installing the theme on WordPress – Select your preferred method:

    Install the Theme using the Dashboard
    1.Sign into the WordPress Dashboar



    Do you have a hosting plan?
    In order to work with WordPress and our theme,
    You gotta have first a server on which you install WordPress and only then you can install the theme.


    Veronica Birman

    Yes, my host and domail from

    Главная страница



    And they install WordPress on it?
    Or did you?


    Veronica Birman

    Its the first time I work with them. So I am lost.



    So you need to contact them and ask them how should you start with WordPress.
    I’m sure they can install it for you – A lot of hosting companies are doing it.

    After you will have WordPress installed on your server, then you could start with installing our themes.

    Let us know if you need any additional help.


    Veronica Birman

    Grate I will do it. Thanks a lot!

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