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This widget is great for displaying products or items in your site, in a way that your users could enjoy browsing it. You can add as many items you want, size and link them as well.

Title: Here you should place the title that you would like to be shown above the catalog

Add Item >>

By clicking Edit you will open the item’s setting options:

Title: Enter the item’s title here

Description: Enter the item’s description

Pricing: Here you can place the item’s price

Choose Image: You can choose the item’s image that will be displayed in the site. You can upload an image from your computer or choose one from your media library

Item Link: You can choose whether the item should be linked, opened as a thumbnail in a lightbox or custom linked

Link: You can add here the link

Open Link in: You can choose whether the link will open in the same window or in a new tab.

Disable Item: By marking this checkbox you will remove it from the catalog without actually deleting it

Thumbnail Shape: You can choose whether the items will be circle or box shaped

Thumbnail Size: You can set the items’ size (small, medium, large or full size)





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